Special Events

7th Annual Skip Ipsen Memorial Bocce Tournament

The CBCA is pleased to announce that the seventh annual Skip Ipsen Memorial Bocce Tournament will be held on Saturday, October 14, 2023 at the Ipsen Family Bocce Park. This tournament honors Skip Ipsen, the man whose vision and generosity set in motion what is now one of the nicest bocce venues anywhere and our very popular open, league, tournament and rental play.

This is an open tournament, meaning that players do not have to be members of CBCA or the Clayton Bocce League.

Event: 7th Annual Skip Ipsen Memorial Bocce Tournament
Date: Saturday, October 14, 2023
Time: 8:30 am check-in, 10:00 am - 6:00 pm match play
  • Each team may have from four to six players. There will be a maximum of 16 teams.
  • Each team will play four matches in preliminary rounds. Every team will play in every preliminary round. The preliminary rounds will follow the Swiss format, which takes into account win/lose and point differential.
  • After the preliminary rounds are completed, teams will be ranked based on cumulative victory points. The top four (4) teams will play single elimination.
  • Elimination matches will be one game to 12 points, win by one, no time limit.
Entry Fee: $400 per team includes buffet lunch
Prizes: 1st place: $1000 cash
2nd place: $600 cash
3rd place: $400 cash
  • Skipolini's will provide a catered lunch.
  • Players and spectators may bring their own food and non-alcoholic beverages.
  • Beer and wine may be purchased at Skipolini's and consumed at the courts. No outside alcoholic beverages will be allowed.
Sponsorships: Court and Team sponsorships will be available.

For questions or comments, send an email to ClaytonBocce@gmail.com or fill out the Contact Us form.

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