Clayton Bocce and Cornhole

Team 1 2 3 W L Pts
La Bocce Vita 12 5 11 1 2 28
Trina's Rollers 0 12 12 2 1 24

Game 1
Start time: 6:26pm - Duration: 40 minutes
La Bocce Vita 12     0 Trina's Rollers
Lowell Konie 2 1 ●  Shannon Bill
Tom Debbie  ● 1 2 Howard Sandi
Lowell Konie  ● 1 3 Shannon Bill
Tom Debbie  ● 1 4 Howard Sandi
Lowell Konie  ● 1 5 Shannon Bill
Tom Debbie  ● 1 6 Howard Sandi
Lowell Konie  ● 3 7 Shannon Bill
Tom Debbie  ● 2 8 Howard Sandi
Net Contributions
with pallino (7) +10 -2 (1) with pallino
without pallino (1) +2 -10 (7) without pallino
Lowell Konie (4) +7 -7 (4) Shannon Bill
Tom Debbie (4) +5 -5 (4) Howard Sandi
Game 2
Start time: 7:07pm - Duration: 59 minutes
La Bocce Vita 5     12 Trina's Rollers
Bill Nancy  ● 1 1 P.J. Anne
Vicki Sharon  ● 1 2 Shannon Celia
Bill Nancy  ● 3 1 P.J. Anne
Vicki Sharon - 4 - ●  Shannon Celia
Bill Nancy 5 1 ●  P.J. Anne
Vicki Sharon 1 6 ●  Shannon Celia
Bill Nancy  ● 7 3 P.J. Anne
Vicki Sharon 2 8 ●  Shannon Celia
Bill Nancy  ● 9 3 P.J. Anne
Vicki Sharon 10 3 ●  Shannon Celia
Bill Nancy - 11 - ●  P.J. Anne
Vicki Sharon 12 1 ●  Shannon Celia
Net Contributions
with pallino (5) -5 +2 (7) with pallino
without pallino (7) -2 +5 (5) without pallino
Bill Nancy (6) -7 +7 (6) P.J. Anne
Vicki Sharon (6) 0 0 (6) Shannon Celia
Game 3
Start time: 8:08pm - Duration: 75 minutes
La Bocce Vita 11     12 Trina's Rollers
Debbie Tony 1 1 ●  Celia Bill
Tom Nancy 2 3 ●  P.J. Howard
Debbie Tony 3 1 ●  Celia Bill
Tom Nancy 4 1 ●  P.J. Howard
Debbie Tony 1 5 ●  Celia Bill
Tom Nancy  ● 2 6 P.J. Howard
Debbie Tony  ● 7 2 Celia Bill
Tom Nancy 8 1 ●  P.J. Howard
Debbie Tony 1 9 ●  Celia Bill
Tom Nancy  ● 10 1 P.J. Howard
Debbie Tony 11 1 ●  Celia Bill
Tom Nancy 1 12 ●  P.J. Howard
Debbie Tony  ● 4 13 Celia Bill
Tom Nancy  ● 1 14 P.J. Howard
Debbie Tony  ● 1 15 Celia Bill
Tom Nancy  ● 16 1 P.J. Howard
Net Contributions
with pallino (7) +4 +5 (9) with pallino
without pallino (9) -5 -4 (7) without pallino
Debbie Tony (8) +2 -2 (8) Celia Bill
Tom Nancy (8) -3 +3 (8) P.J. Howard