W (Won) is the number of rounds won by the player or team.
L (Lost) is the number of rounds lost by the player or team.
T (Tied) is the number of rounds tied by the player or team.
Pct (Percent) is the the percentage of rounds won by the player or team.
PPR (Points per Round) is the average number of total points per round scored the player or team.
OPPR (Opponent Points per Round) is the average number of total points per round scored by the player or team's opponent.
DPR (Difference in Points per Round) is the Points per Round minus Opponent Points per Round.
A negative number indicates the opponent had a higher PPR.
4B (Four Bagger) is the number of rounds in which the player or team put all four bags in the hole.
Also known as Cornzizzle, Double Deuce or Gusher.
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